gen light comes on then car dies

by ashley mason
(texas )

was sitting at red light, was idling rough, gen light came on, it would not let me take off, I pushed the gas again and gen light went away. drove just fine home, then the next day, I drove it just down the street (was going to work) got to the stop sign, gen light came on, then it died, I was able to restart it, turn around and park it at the house....

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Mar 19, 2018
Gen light NEW
by: Joel

Hi Ashley,

You can check your cars fuel presure easly with a presure gauge hooked to the fuel rail but how long has it been since your car had a tune up. That can cause stumble, rough idel and stalling.

Good luck,

Mar 19, 2018
reply NEW
by: ashley

I replaced the fuel filter and the fuel line, it drove just fine for half of the day, now it's doing it again, low idle, under 5, then dies

Mar 18, 2018
Puttin' out the Gen light NEW
by: Joel

So if your car is old enough to have a generator there's a very good posibility your battery is dieing, of corse it could be the generator or if newer an altenator. Then the other possibility would be your regulator. I'm guessing if you had the tools (an amp meter) you could find the problem but here's what you can do, find an auto parts store like O'Reilly's and ask them to check your car (tell them about the Gen. light). It's free and they will tell you exsactly what you need for FREE.

Good luck, Wish you the best,

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