After you click on the "Read More" button on the selected book version and you select the "Download Now" or "Order CD Version" button, you will be taken to E-Junkie's shopping cart where you can make payment using all major credit cards. You do not need a PayPal account to pay with credit card! You will have the choice to checkout using either PayPal or Google Checkout.
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After your payment has been approved, you will receive an email that will include a "download link". Just click on that link and you will be taken immediately to the "Download Page" and given 5 Attempts. If you need more just use the contact us form.
The Download Page will give you step-by-step instructions to download the E book.
That's it! The entire payment and download process takes just a few minutes. It really IS a snap!
As soon as you've completed the download you're ready to go...
You can read the E Book on your computer or I pad and/or print it out; as you wish.
If you don't trust all this computer stuff contact us to pay by check and receive the CD versions of either book!
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