I just bought a slightly used 2008 Corvette that has the 'Heavy Duty Brake package (J55) with the Z51 option. The rear brakes are squealing on light 'in town' braking situations. My local dealer has turned the rotors, applied anti-squeel and replace the brake pads. None of which corrected the problem. Has anyone resolved this issue?

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Nov 03, 2011
by: BILL

10/10/2011.....I just ordered the Carbotech Bobcat 1521 for my 2008. I will post in a few weeks to let all that responded how that worked for me!!

10/13/2011.... I ordered the Carbotech Bobcat 1521 on Monday and received them on Wed and had them put on today (Thur). I went through the bedding process despite the mist and light rain. I am not noticing squeal noise and will report back in a week. It was about a week after the stock GM brake pads were put on that the squealing came back!!

10/24/2011.... After a little over a week I am reporting that I still have a slight queal when applying the brakes in normal city type driving (light pressure). There has been an improvement with the Carbotech Bobcat 1521 brakes and for those that like numbers.... if my previous squealing was a 10 (bad) then the Carbotech Bobcat 1521 knocked it down to about a 3. I am going to 're-bed' the brakes again to see if there is an improvement and if that does not work then I will just turn up the radio!! ;-)

Oct 30, 2011
Any resolution?
by: Corvette-web-central

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Chris Trautman @ Corvette Assembly Plant 2019

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